Wood Destroying Insect Inspection

Schedule a WDI inspection today!

Licensed and Certified

I am certified and licensed through The Department of Agriculture to perform all wood destroying insect / wood destroying organism inspections. Get your home inspection and termite inspection done all at the same time!

How is a WDI inspection performed?

To prepare a wood destroying insect report, I will conduct a thorough visual examination of the readily accessible parts of the structure. This includes attics or crawlspaces with sufficient room for clearance that can be entered at the time of the inspection. Areas that require breaking, removing, or dismantling parts of the structure such as wall coverings or siding are omitted from the inspection. Inaccessible areas are noted in the report. The inspection for the report includes probing and/or sounding of accessible areas to search for visual evidence of wood destroying insects. The evidence sought for the report includes indications of present or prior activity of wood-destroying insects visible in, on, or under a structure. Permanently attached structural elements such as decks and porches are generally evaluated in the inspection.

What Is Included In a WDI Report?

A WDI will indicate whether or not I observed visible evidence of wood-destroying insects. The report documents information pertaining to wood destroying insects that include termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and re-infesting wood boring beetles. If the inspector finds visible indications of such wood destroying insects, the report will note the type of evidence observed. This may include live insects, dead insects, exit holes, or damage produced by wood destroying insects. The WDI must provide the description and location of the evidence of wood destroying insects that it documents. The report will further state whether or not treatment is recommended for the control of specified wood destroying insects.

Licensed with The Texas Department of Agriculture.

License held under -

Pest Inspection Network, Inc.

TPCL #783068

P.O. Box 700906

San Antonio TX 78270
